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Camp NanoWrimo

Hey Guys! And fellow Forever followers (say that 10 times past- lol)

So, I just signed up for Camp Nanowrimo. YAY! This is the first time I will be participating in a NanoWrimo event and am so excited. It is to be help next month. I plan on continuing my progress with Forever, through this camp and I am hoping to get some awesome feedback, but to also promote Forever to others who would most likely be interested readers and join the following.

If any of you who read this, and have in the past or plan to join, OR have already signed up, please let me know either through sending me an email, through Wattpad, just search my name OliviaDarlene, or I will hopefully be able to include a chat box on the site so you can converse on the site with each other and me of course!

I look forward to this new adventure I will be taking and am hoping I learn a lot, not only about continuing my progress as a write, but learning more about the story I want to tell and share with my readers, as well as learn more about my characters, to better portray them to you, my Forever followers.

Please keep in touch, you can always PM me on Wattpad. I try to respond as soon as I have the availablility. Making you guys an important part of the journey of Forever's storytelling.

ALSO, I am proud to announce, I have added a chatbox for those of you who would like to chat with other Forever Lovers, AND me! If I happen to be on when you, my lovely followers, are here!

Have fun and thanks again for following me on Wattpad!

Thanks guys!


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